Natalie Pang

Educator. Researcher. University Librarian.

About Me

I’m Natalie Pang and I am an educator, researcher as well as University Librarian at the National University of Singapore. I specialise in socio-technical studies of technology including social media and civil society and the convergence of data and immersive tech in the contexts of culture and heritage in urban cities. While my research is largely based on Singapore, I have also published research from Indonesia and China. 

I hold a Doctorate of Philosophy from Monash University, Australia. Currently, I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Communications and New Media, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore. I also hold a concurrent appointment as University Librarian at NUS Libraries.

I have mentored and supervised numerous undergraduates, graduate students and teaching assistants. I received a Commendation for Meritorious Teaching in 2007 from Monash University, nominated for the John Cheung Social Media in Teaching Award in 2016 and for the Nanyang Education Award in 2015 and 2014.

You can find out more about my recent publications below: